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 For the new forum update.

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Sexy Admin
Sexy Admin

Number of posts : 181
Age : 37
Location : Danville,IL
Registration date : 2007-11-06

For the new forum update. Empty
PostSubject: For the new forum update.   For the new forum update. Icon_minitimeTue Jan 22, 2008 7:26 am

For the numbers mean what number post you got to get to...

To get your new Rank

For the Names as well, once u keep going higher and higher.
Your Rank with Change.

Admins and Helpers/Both for Males and Females we have are own . You guys will never get are ranks pictures.

So lol. Hope you like it and have fun.

Keep posting and try to get the the 2,000 post.

Warning: If you spam trying to get your rank up and there pointless rankes. We will delete your account.

Thank you

~By: Crystal/Kikki I did this lol All by my self.

So have fun.

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